Hello Friends!
We hope your new year is off to a great start, ours certainly is! We made our first church presentation of the year and have three more scheduled for this month. As we see January is already half over, we know that our goal departure date is really just around the corner. We are working hard and trusting that God has his perfect timing at work.
We have recently begun talking with Hope61, the anti-human trafficking arm of One Mission Society. This is a new ministry that is targeting six countries prone to human trafficking. One of these six countries is Spain. Spain is basically the gateway to the rest of Europe, with trafficking coming from Africa. We have prayed about our part in this ministry. As church planters, we are establishing new churches that will impact their communities - which will in turn establish even more churches. If we place at the foundation of each church the need to combat human trafficking and the resources to do so, then we can impact the future of human trafficking in Spain.
Many of the victims of trafficking come from the "10-40 window." This part of the world is one of the poorest and home to some of the most unreached countries. Because of Spain's close proximity and need for the Gospel, we feel very challenged to combat the evil of trafficking. So, we want to challenge you as well! This is our January challenge: 10 people committed to 40 dollars per month. That is $40 a month pledged to spreading the Gospel and breaking the bonds of slavery. Would you consider being one of those people?
Praise Report:
Annette and Andrea Rosell recently started a youth group. There are ages 12-19 represented. It is great to have a place for young people to come together and fellowship with fellow believers, learning more about their faith.
As always, we thank you for your continued financial and prayer support as we continue in this journey.
Jeremy and Melissa
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