A man and his wife sat quietly in the pew as the preacher spoke compellingly about missions. When the preacher was finished with his message he called for the ushers to come forward. He sent them out to collect an offering. The man, sitting by his wife reached into his coat pocket and pulled out an envelope. The wife looked at him knowing that inside the envelope was his two week pay check. The ushers reached their aisle and the plate was passed to the man. Without hesitation he placed the envelope in into the offering plate.
The woman was rightly concerned. Though they were not poor, she wondered how they would purchase groceries for the next two weeks. What would they eat? What if they needed something? But she said nothing.
Once the ushers had returned to the front they emptied the plates and the preacher stood up. This time he said, "Men, many of you are wearing gold watches. In these offering plates are tin watches. They tell the time just fine so I'm asking you to take off your gold watch and replace it with a tin one. We will sell your watches and use the money for missions."
Once again the plate reached the couple and the man removed this watch and replaced it with a tin one. The wife again watched in silence as her husband put on the new tin watch. She said nothing but was wondering what had overcome her husband.
The ushers reached the front of the church again and emptied all of the watches out of the plates. Again the preacher stood up. This time he said, "Ladies, many of you are wearing expensive jewelry that you really do not need. Take it off and place it in the offering plates. We will sell it and use the money for missions."
The man quietly took his wife's hand and she was comforted. When the plate reached their row, he lifted her and gently slipped off her diamond engagement ring. Stunned, she sat in silent as her eyes filled with tears. With a quiet "plink" the ring dropped into the offering plate.
One last time the ushers emptied the plates at the front of the church and the preacher stood up. Now he said, "For this last offering, I will not send the ushers out. Instead, this time you will offer yourselves. If you are led, come to the front of the church and give yourselves to missions."
The man took his wife by the hand and together they went to the front of the church. They knelt beside a Japanese couple and prayed.
The man and his wife were Charles and Lettie Cowman. The Japanese couple were Juji and Katsuko Nakada. Together with E.A. and Julie Kilbourne they would later form Oriental Missionary Society which is now known as One Mission Society.
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