Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Our needs...His Glorious Riches

"And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.
To our God and Father be glory for ever and ever. Amen."

- Philippians 4:19-20

We are just in the beginning stages of fundraising for our ministry but already we are seeing how God is opening doors of opportunity. God is demonstrating His faithfulness as we begin to make calls and contact friends, family and churches to share our story and calling. 

He has already shown us how He will provide by giving us our very first monthly supporters last week. We had not even planned to present our story that night but because He is good, the opportunity was given. We sat across the table from a couple who had "adopted" us while Jeremy was  a youth pastor. They have consistently opened themselves up to us as friends and mentors. They are two of the most giving people I know and we are so grateful for the way they have promised to support this ministry. 

I have been sitting here filling in dates that have already been booked at churches I know and ones I don't. As I see our calender already filling up, I can't help but become overwhelmed. Not overwhelmed with stress or anxiety but with gratitude and thankfulness knowing that God has already prepared the hearts of those who will hear our story. 

Long before this calling was revealed to me or to Jeremy, God knew. He knew the needs we will have and the goals we will need to reach. He knows the exact dollar amount that we will need so that we can be on the field. As big this challenge as it may seem to us, God is bigger. He has a plan as to how we will meet this goal and He is making the way for us to meet it.  I have faith that the right people, at the right time will feel lead to support the ministry God called us be a part of. 

It has become clear to me how important it is for people to realize who they are really supporting when they pledge to our ministry. They are not giving money to us each month. They are not giving money to One Mission Society each month. No, instead the individuals, couples and families who will financially partner with us are giving to God. The money that we receive is a gift from God. You give to God and God gives to us. 

Thank you to those who are praying for us. Thank you to those who have supported us along the way. And thank you to those who will give to God as He gives to us in this ministry.We are blessed to be called to this specific ministry just as each Christian is blessed to be called to his or her own specific ministry. 

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