In less than two weeks Jeremy and I will celebrate our third wedding anniversary. Today as I look forward to entering our fourth year of marriage, I really have no idea what it will look like. Many thoughts come to mind, but they are all sort of jumbled together and nothing seems very clear. Except for one thing.
May also marks our sixth month of living in Spain- half of a year. This time last year we were planning for graduation, leaving jobs and heading to Indiana for cross-training. Now, we don't have many specific goals or deadlines pressing. Well, except for getting a valid drivers license in June/July- no biggie. We have residency, we have a car (mostly functioning), we have an apartment and we're working on the whole language thing.
I have realized something, for the last 7 or so years of my life, I have always been looking forward to something. Something that seemed better or more significant than I had on any given day. An accomplishment, a goal, something ¨bigger.¨ Now, finally, I am living in today.
Jim Elliot, a man who many Christians and missionaries admire, said this-
“Wherever you are, be all there! Live to the hilt every situation you believe to be the will of God.” This quote has stuck with me for years, but not until now have I really taken it to heart. (If you get the chance, read the book ¨Shadow of the Almighty¨)
CS Lewis said, “To walk out of His will is to walk into nowhere.” I fully believe that Jeremy and I are living in the will of God in Spain. And with that said, I can answer the question that many have asked.
As I look into our fourth year of marriage, I do not see us leaving Spain. We are making Spain our home for as long as we can. I mean goodness, I have packed up all my things and moved them 7 times over the last three years- I just don't want to move again!
But really, I believe by this time next year, we will still only be crossing the starting line. There is still much work to be done- I do not believe that God called us here only for two years or even only four years.
I know, I know, you're thinking ¨Sweetie, none of us know what the Lord has planned.¨ And you are right. I don't and neither do you. Right now, I am happy finally embracing a day to day mentality when it comes to my life planning. So here I am, enjoying my new home, and blissfully NOT planning my next pack-up-and-move-everything event.