Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Gentle Teaching

Thirty-seven percent. That is where our account sits at this point.

I punch these numbers in the calculator on my phone multiple times a week. On days that the first numbers goes up- I punch them in over and over. Amazed at how the result changes.
When nothing changes for a couple of weeks my mood changes. I become frustrated. I wonder where the disconnect is.
Why isn't anything coming in?
Is it something I am saying during "the ask?"
Are we not making our purpose clear enough?
Do we need to change something?
Take a new approach?
Why isn't the money coming in?!

I wonder these things and I pray. I pray that God will send us to the right people at the right time. But I don't often stop to think that- maybe the right time hasn't come yet.
Maybe the right person isn't ready yet.
Maybe we aren't ready yet.

I really did think that we would be further along than 37% by now. I really hoped we would be at least half way. Maybe closer.
But we aren't. Here we sit- at 37% funded. Looking forward to Jeremy's last month of work. Cross-training and the potential of months without steady income.

I have started reading more out of Streams in the Desert. Because, well, it's appropriate and maybe a little cliche.
But, honestly, it couldn't be more encouraging.

I had not read out of the book in several days, so (I as sweated my way through 20 minutes on the elliptical),  I opened it up to May 22nd and I re-read the verse at the top.
Commit you way to the Lord; trust in Him and He will do this. Psalm 37:5

I flipped tapped a couple of pages over on the Kindle...
I cry out to God Most High, to God, who fulfills His purpose for me. Psalm 57:2

May 23rd
They were at their wits' end. They they cried out to the Lord in their trouble, and he brought them out of their distress. Psalm 107:27-28

May 27th
Bring them here to me. Matthew 14:18

To me the Lord said, "Bring what you have to me. That $1,851 you have in pledges? Give it up. Let me have it and do with it what I want. You don't have it all. But I do. They don't have it all. I've got it."

My God will meet all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19

"You hear that? I've got it. I am the the source. I am the means and the way in which to receive it. You can't do this on your own. Give. It. Up."

May 28th
I will not let you go unless you bless me. Genesis 32:26
Not my will, but yours be done. Luke 22:42

I will no longer work by my strength alone. I will not work against the time He has allowed to pass. I will find the joy in this preparation and be grateful for the gentle teaching He has given me.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Happy Anniversary... To US!

Today we celebrate the first two and look forward to the next eighty-two. 

Monday, May 6, 2013

A New Season- A New Love

This past week has been one of many, many blessings, both small and large.
Together, Jeremy and I celebrated a huge milestone in our lives and preparation for ministry- We graduated! I walked across the stage to receive with a Bachelors in Intercultural Studies and Jeremy graduated with a Masters in Ministry. Now, after-the-fact, it does seem a little surreal.
Our time at Laurel University is quickly coming to a close. Jeremy has been a student at the school for six years. Five of those years he has worked full-time in the Admissions Department. The last three of those years he has held the title of "Director of  Enrollment Management"- a title so long they had to abbreviate to fit on the door. Two years ago this past weekend, Jeremy received a B.A. in Pastoral Ministry.

I have been a full-time student since 2009. In the fall of 2008, while Jeremy was a sophomore, I came to visit the school with my Mom. I had no idea that I had met my husband that day. Jeremy was currently working three part-time jobs and attending classes. He was a work-study student in the admissions office so he gave me a tour around the two-story, all-inclusive building that is John Wesley College/Laurel University.

At that time, I was dead-set on becoming a full-time missionary, with or without a husband. I had no intentions of being a local pastor's wife or even living in the U.S. past finishing my degree. About eight months into our relationship, my plans had begun to change right before my eyes. Or so I thought. You see, God sure has a funny way of doing things. I continued to jump on every opportunity I had to travel. I joined the school on trips to Mexico City (Jeremy's first trip outside the country), Kenya, and Colombia. 

Now, Jeremy is preparing to train the lady who will soon take his office. I am preparing to leave a family who has been so good to me as their babysitter/nanny over the past 5 years.

The next two months will be the end of a season in our life that has forever changed us. We are asked over and over again if we are ready for the move. At this point, we are as ready as we can be. I trust that God has prepared for this point and He will continue to prepare and guide us as we go. We still have a ways to go in our monthly budget requirement and we will have weeks of formal training ahead of us. But, at this point, we are as prepared as we can be.

I will say this to close- My heart is ready to see the hearts of Spanish people turn to Christ. It is hard to explain how you can love a people and a country you hardly know. But part of God's preparation has been to give me a love for these people. I desperately want to see them know Christ. As this season of life ends for us, I can sense the turning of my heart towards new things as God gives me a new love for His people.